Reunited and it feels so good!
Many years later and I’m ready to put the Garfield on the table. It’s been weighing heavily on my shoulders. The Garfield needs to be done and so after 10 years I unwrap it with all intentions of completing. I will add that the force behind this are my two amazing friends, Elizabeth and Janine. Life happened to all of us and before we knew it 10 years had passed. Rekindling our friendship was as if time had stood still. The friendship picked up from last we left it and our bonding glue that of the miniature world
Once again I dusted off all of my treasures and placed them in their spaces, at least for now. Here are some pics from this set up before my friends came to visit.
And then when they came over and we had a review and critique the following happened. Take a look at the notes all over the outside and inside in black pen. Yep! I need to renovate the unfinished construction….tear down, put up, adjust. Kitbashing is taking place.
And then the Garfield got a “cropping” — we need to look inside